05. 10. 2020
New Workshop

A few photos of the new workshop in Havlíčkův Brod, my hometown. Here, perhaps for life.

14. 05. 2018
Collection "Bulldogs 6&9"

Two Buldogs in one collection, "Bulldogs 6 & 9".
Two shapes pipes are complementary opposite orientation of the contour of the head and the direction of the wood grain.

Bulldog 6 No. 18030 next photos

Bulldog 9 nO. 18031 next photos

20. 07. 2017
Exclusive Collection "Seven Bulldogs" July 2017

After a long time, I've made myself happy and just now I've completed an exclusive collection of a weekly set of "Seven Bulldogs." I like this shape. The collection contains seven different shapes with different finishes.
A special thank you belongs to a friend and excellent graphic designer Aleš Hladík, who helped prepare a cassette for this set.

Bulldog Monday No. 17SB1 - next photos

Bulldog Thuesday No. 17SB2 - next photos

Bulldog Wednesday No. 17SB3 - next photos

Bulldog Thursday No. 17SB4 - next photos

Bulldog Friday No. 17SB5 - next photos

Bulldog Saturday No. 17SB6 - next photos

Bulldog Sunday No. 17SB7 - next photos

10. 05. 2016
Three brothers of "Canadiana"

This extraordinary set of three pipes, in the shape Canadian, is outstanding comparing the sizes of pipes. Set allow the smoker to compare smoking pipes of the same shape in the smoke chamber size, but the size of the entire pipe .- The biggest "brother" has an overall length of 216.5 mm and a length of 199 mm smoke channel, "middle brother" has a length of 171 mm and 153 mm channel "smallest brother" has a length of 145.9 mm and 128.9 mm channel. Mainly, comparing tobacco chambers 52.2 / 22.0 to 40.8 / 20.0 to 39.9 / 18.7 (depth / diameter of the tobacco chambers in mm). On the mouthpieces are used by Cumberland rod and is adorned with a ring made of moose antler.

Canadian XXXL No:16016 next photos

Canadian XL No:16017 next photos

Canadian No:16018 next photos

12. 10. 2015

Three new custom-made Churwardens.

22. 07. 2015
Three giants in black.

Three giants in black. One in waxed smooth surface, sandblasted next, and last rusticated. Size tobacco chamber diameter 20mm and depth of 60-65 mm. Rings - solid silver.

22. 02. 2015
New pipes from olive wood.

New pipes from olive wood.
I can finally processed olive wood, which I had in my workshop since 2006. Wood is a central auxiliary board of the tree which is a minimum age of over 350 years. I dried the wood slowly to superior quality. I just finished my first pipe of this wood with a beautiful structure drawings.

You can see more pictures of these pipes:
Poker Olive No. 15021
Ball Olive No. 15022
Pot Bamboo Olive No. 15023
Dublin Bent Olive No. 15024

21. 01. 2015
Bulldogs 6&9 Collection

Two Buldogs in one collection, "Bulldogs 6 & 9".
Two shapes pipes are complementary opposite orientation of the contour of the head and the direction of the wood grain.
This way I like it. Use the classic shape, slightly modify it - saying: "warp space."
The pipe, but first and foremost must be user-friendly as grasping the hand, so all functions smoking - simple design.

Bulldog 15006 next photos

Bulldog 15009 next photos

06. 12. 2014
Saint Petersburg Pipe Show 2014

The first weekend in December Pipe Show was held in Saint Petersburg. It was nice to meet up with friends and colleagues. The exhibition was finished competing in a smoking pipe. It was XI. Open championship of Russia. My competition time was: 1:48:14, I finished seventh out of 98 competitors.

06. 10. 2014
"The Seven LongShanks" Collection

I am preparing a longer time collection of pipes with long necks or shanks. Style collection is not in conservative. The collection includes classic pipe shapes, but also my copyright shapes pipe. Another detail that connects the pipe from the collection is the use of nuts "Patauá". It is a natural walnut South American palms "Ungurahui" (Penocarpus Batauá.). Walnut has a beautiful structured drawing. Walnut also used by manufacturers knives on the grip.

Details and more photos of pipes in the collection can be found here:
Canadian XL No. 14077
Bent XL No. 14076
Break XL No. 14075
Vesuv XL No. 14074
Okta XL No. 14073
Liverpool No. 14072
Brandy XL No. 14071

13. 07. 2014
Two Hexagons

I just finished two new pipes that are complementary in shape. Straight and bent Hexagon. Both pipes are matched staining contrast - black and gold. It is now up to you to choose which is prettier: straight or bent Hexagon?

Hexagon Straight No. 14061
Hexagon Bent No. 14062

01. 07. 2014
The Seven Bulldogs Collection

I just finished an exclusive collection of seven pipes, which are variations on the classic theme shape "Bulldog". It's a seven-day set and its name is "The Seven Buldogs."
The idea I had for a long time, but I was looking for detail, which will link pipe. I finally opted for an elegant ring of elk antler, which is a beautiful natural material. Each of pipes has a different color finish and all have exceptional briar.
I hope that this collection will like to you.

Details of each of pipes can be found here:
Bulldog No. 14056 – Monday
Bulldog No. 14055 – Tuesday
Bulldog No. 14054 – Wednesday
Bulldog No. 14053 – Thursday
Bulldog No. 14052 – Friday
Bulldog No. 14051 – Saturday
Bulldog No. 14050 – Sunday

30. 06. 2014
Bulldog Gold Contraste

Once I was talking about the pipes by Bill Ashton. It was in 2007 England Championship which was held in Birmingham. I showed him one of my pipe with perfect drawing Briar. The youthful indiscretion, I said that it is a beautiful wood that will once or twice a year. Bill was then smiled and said that the pipe has excellent drawing - it will be once in a lifetime. Since then, I often think of this his lesson, because a perfect briar comes truly exceptional and infrequent. This pipe is an example, she has a beautiful unique wood. You can admire together with me - at least at the pictures of this pipe.

The dimensions of this pipe and its more photos

08. 06. 2014
Workshop in summer

Today really started here summer. We have a beautiful sunny day, the temperature is around 34 ° C. Today, I'll prefer to ride a bike, I stopped at the shop for a while. I'll go to work tomorrow, today I am enjoying the sun - today is Sunday.

15. 06. 2013
XIII. "Royal Cup of Bohemia and Moravia”.

Competition in slow pipe smoking - 13th annual competition, which takes place on Saturday 15th June 2013 in Havlíčkuv Brod.
This pipe to be competitive, is a historic replica of a Bulldog pipe from the series English Fashion No. 488, which was produced in the twenties of the last century by the Czech pipemaker Antonín Ziegler.

15. 05. 2013
Champion of Czech Republic

Last weekend the Czech Championships in slow pipe smoking took place.
I became the champion of Czech Republic - my winning time of 2:02:22 pm
Our team from Pipe Club "" finished in second place.
We celebrated together and I was very happy.

10. 05. 2013
Manufacture of pipes for competition Cup 2013

This pipe to be competitive, is a historic replica of a Bulldog pipe from the series English Fashion No. 488, which was produced in the twenties of the last century by the Czech pipemaker Antonín Ziegler.
Here are photos from the production of this collection contest pipes.

30. 04. 2013
Chicago Pipe Show

I packed up for the biggest pipe-event of the year, the Chicago Pipe Show.
I arrive Wednesday evening and leave Monday morning after the show ends.
I look forward to meeting all of my friends and smokers from U.S. and around the world.
Tomorrow evening at sight :-) Jan
Hera are photos from Pipeshow 1. part and here is the second album from Chicago Pipe Show

14. 03. 2013
Design of competition Pipe for “Royal Cup of Bohemia and Moravia” 2013.

This is a design competition pipe for " “Royal Cup of Bohemia and Moravia”, which this year takes in my hometown Havlickuv Brod and competition organized by the local Pipe club Meršámka. I highly depended on the pipe and result I chose a replica pipe Bulldog, which in the twenties of the last century made ​​Antnín Ziegler. In the photos you can compare my replica historic pipe with nearly a hundred years old original. Mr. Ziegler was a prominent Czech Pipemaker, who had his workshop in the village Krasná Hora near Brod. Pipes manufactured under the brand "Monte Bello", which is the Italian translation of the name of this village. Produced until the fifties of the last century, after the communists nationalized its manufacture. Production of pipes was then transferred elsewhere. Details of this pipe you can see here

03. 09. 2012
Intertabac 2012 Dortmund

Intertabac Dortmund Exhibition 2012 will be held on 14-16 September 2012. I would like to see this year on this great show. For information on the show I'll probably only on Friday afternoon and Saturday all day. I like to meet with you personally. I have had several pieces of my pipes.

WEB-sites of Intertabac 2012

14. 08. 2012
Yesterday died Giancarlo Guidi

I am sad because a big pipemaker has left us. Pipemaker and Man, whom I admired, and also my friend. Today I smoke in memory of his pipe.
Rest in peace.

26. 07. 2012
Sales presentation in Ostrava

Thursday, July 26, 2012 In the afternoon, a ​​sales presentations of pipes takes place in Ostrava. Together with me participating: Tomáš Mahovský "Basa" ( Slávek Muller ( a Martin Peleška "Rubenstein".
The event will take place in the shop Zuzico belonging Jaroslav Celuch.(Adress: Ruská 56, Ostrava)

06. 07. 2012
Electronic Pipe

I hesitated a long time with the publication of this pipe. It is made for a customer, whose health does not allow him to smoke the classical tobacco at all. The doctor only allowed him to smoke the electronic cigarette. But he wished for a pipe, which should be made according to his requirements. You can judge for yourself the result of my work. I had strong reservations about this kind of "smoking". Finally I found out that he himself mixed liquid with different flavors and aromas, so this pipe actually is about the pleasure of smoking after all. One must not be too orthodox. Next Images

24. 05. 2012
PipeMakersMeetingPrzemysl 2012

Approaching the deadline next year PipeMakersMeeting2012. This time the workshop will be held at Zbygniew Bednarczyk's workshop in Przemysl, Poland. The event begins June 21 and will culminate in a celebration of "Pipe Day Przemysl" on Sunday 24th June 2012, it will be the VII. anniversary.
More information will be

28. 04. 2012
Finally, spring arrived.

Well, today spring has really begun. For the first day of this year it was supposed to be warmer than 20 degrees and the temperature finally climbed to 28.7 degrees Celsius. I have a desire to make some more cheerful pipes. Anyway, together with my colleague Slavek we are enjoying the beautiful weather and we moved the finishing work on our pipes outside on the sun.
Beautiful and sunny day to you all.

20. 04. 2012
Design competition pipe for the Slovak Championship

This pipe is a proposal for the XVI International Championship of Slovakia in slow pipe smoking. I chose a simple design that has a finely structured surface. The finish of the pipe was treated with shellac. The ring is in the Slovak national colors. I hope that all competitors will enjoy smoking this pipe.

More photos are here

29. 03. 2012
My pipes on Bisgaard-Pipes

My pipes were exposed for the first time today on the web pages of the Danish-Pipeshop Bisgaard-Pipes. I hope my pipes in intense competition with Danish pipemakers succeed and it will be the start of Long-term cooperation.

19. 03. 2012
Visit Tom Eltang workshops

In the end of our trip to Denmark, we had to visit Tom Eltang in his workshop. This visit only confirmed to me that this world-renowned manufacturer of pipes is a very friendly person. He did have free time for us even though he had a lot of work. He prepared a special series of pipes, together with Vladimir Gretchukin, the famous Russian pipemaker. It was interesting to see both Tom and Vladimir to make some beautiful pipes.

Here you can take with me a visit with all images in the presentation

18. 03. 2012
2012 Danish Championship in slow pipe smoking

Danisch Championships took place on 18th March in Copenhagen. Here is a brief picture report from the exhibition, which I also participated, as well as from the competition. I am proud of myself, although it was not a medal, I did end up as 15th from 109 competitors. On the eve of the competition day we visited Manduela. We spent cheerful evening with Anne Julie & Manduela in Copenhagen on Saturday.

The album can be found here

17. 03. 2012
Visit the workshop of master Former

During the first meeting of the FB group "International Smoking Saloon" we visited the workshop in Toksværd in which Former manufactures his pipes. Hans Nielsen "Former", one of the most famous Danish pipemakers. For me it was very pleasent meeting. I must appreciate the openness and friendliness with which he greeted us. He showed us everything to the smallest detail, and I even had a chance to try to work in his workshop. It was a great experience for me and I have to thank him once again. Many thanks to Former.

Here you can take with me a visit with all images in the presentation

16. 03. 2012
First meeting of group International Smoking Salon

Here you will find pictures from the meeting of the "Salon International Smoking" in Denmark. Thanks to Carsten Anderson for organizing the event. Team "ISS" took part in Denmark Championship in slow pipe smoking and we ended up sixth out of the 20 participating teams. I am particularly proud of my own individual success, because I ended up with the 15th best time out of 109 participating competitors

The entire album can be found here

10. 02. 2012
Unigue Collection Gaudí dreams.

Some time ago I have produced tobacco pipes for Barcelona Pipa Club in occasion of 25th anniversary of its fundation. Smoking a pipe, I had a talk with the writer Jaime Rosal and we started to discuss about Antonio Gaudí y Cornet. The work of this ingenious Catalan’s artist is really inspirative, so that it was very close to think about to prepare the pipes collection in honour of the great creator. Visiting Barcelona, another member of Barcelona Pipa Club, Mr. Vicens Lozano, helped me as the erudite guide, thanks to whom I have seen the major part of Gaudí’s work and my fantasy could disperse fully. I had just to let acting the great energy of that original architect. Comprihension comes suddenly, all that is as a great game, great Gaudí played a game, he mixed complex and detailles changing their interpretation, the complex dominated by detail and, at the same time, every detail sustains inside an atribut of the complex. Subconsciously, the art of Gaudí provoke you to touch it and that is the very strong and direct connection with a pipe. In that case, the idea of creation is clear: to find out these typical details of Gaudí’s constructions which atributs distinguish the complex and later transform them in pipe, as a new complex. Every pipe is very different as well as the impuls of the art of Gaugí, anyway, in interaccion they form one complex and each of them invites you to be touched. I am grateful for inspiration and help in the moment of creation ot this collection to Barcelona Pipa Club, especially to Mr. Vincens Lozano and Jaime Rosal.

09. 02. 2012
Yves Grenard died.

Today I am in a sad mood, because some very unpleasent news came from France.
Yves Grenard - an exceptional person and friend, a longtime representative and owner of the company CHACOM died yesterday morning.
I am so surprised that he's gone, if only because he changed my life and directed me to my current profession.
He taught me much about the pipemaking craft himself and opened the notional door into the pipemaking world for me. Together with him there ends a piece of history, a long history reaching almost to the very begining of briar pipes.

Many of you pipe smokers own a pipe from his manufactory. When you're going to smoke this pipe, please join me in sending a silent tribute to this man. Une pipe à sa mémoire.

I will always remember Yves as my master and friend. Rest in peace.

04. 01. 2012
Lost pipe from Etna

Rob Damon contacted me that he found this pipe some fieve years ago during the ascent of the volcano Etna. As an honest finder he just now discovered that the pipe was made in my workshop. Unfortunately I do not remember to whom the pipe belongs, and therefore I would like to ask the eventual owner to get in contact with me. I very interested whether the pipe will return this way to its original owner.

Lost Pipe Photo

04. 12. 2011
St.Peterburg PipeShow 2011

St. Petersburg Pipe Show 2011&Peter the Great Cup 2011

Here in this album, you can see the photos from the exhibition and competition, which took place in St. Petersburg in December 2012. In conclusion, there are photos of pipes, which competed for the title of best pipe in the exhibition. Thanks to Lev Vasiliev and Alexey Shekhovtsov for organizing such a beautiful meeting.

26. 11. 2011
New web launched!

Welcome to my new web.


To the visitors of my web site - the presentation is still in process and I will let you know once it is fully functional.